Monday, December 13, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things
A Few of My Favorite Things by themazuona on

'Tis the season to be jolly (and fashionably crazy)!

It's December once more, and 12 more days before Christmas! It is indeed the month when our credit cards have been swiped more than the average number of times. It is a time to wear your most comfortable shoes to be able to score the cheapest finds in the sale fever. It is the time when Starbucks has Toffee Nut lattes and Peppermint Mocha frappucinos. But most of all, it is a time of giving.

Have you finished your Christmas shopping or are you just starting? I am actually not yet done. I still have to buy gifts for a few people. *Ssshh ;-)*

So in light of the season, The Mazuona will be featuring Holiday season-related posts starting this week up until the New Year's, starting off with my wishlist. ;-)

Every year since I was 13, I write a wish list of sorts a few months before Christmas time. This year, though, I would say that I haven't really thought about it. Usually, I would put the number of items based on my age. I'm nineteen now, therefore I should have 19 items on my wishlist.

It doesn't mean that I should receive all of them on Christmas day. In fact, I don't receive most of them on that day specifically. They're just wishes. And clues for my parents and other beloved, so they know what to buy me. ;-)

So, here it goes:

1. H&M leather jacket- I badly want one! It's a way for me to channel my inner Elena Gilbert. And don't you think I'd look badass? ;-)

2. ALDO Brogues- I've been obsessing with brogues lately. I was about to purchase one last weekend, but I backed out the last minute. I still felt like it was too manly for me. It was flat. And I wanted one with heels to add a feminine effect. But, I haven't found my perfect pair, which I think is this pair from ALDO. They don't have it her though. So, I'm still keeping my eyes open!

3. Oak Alexa by Mulberry- Okay. This is really a wish. I don't think I'd be getting this anytime soon. But, I really love it! I love the color and its size. It's very versatile, and it looks so sturdy!

4. Automatic eyeliner by CHANEL- It doesn't have to be Chanel. I actually like Maybelline's Define Liner or Revlon's. I've always loved automatic eyeliners, because they're easier to use than liquid ones. It would be as if you're just outlining. It cuts down your eyeliner time to two minutes. I recommend!

5. MAC Marcel Wanders lipstick in Catharina- Or the Gesina. I love them both. Catharina is more fuschia, while Gesina is more red. I would prefer the Venomous Villains collection, but they're limited and out of stock already.

6. Vogue Subscription- Carrie Bradshaw once said, "When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I bought Vogue instead of dinner. I found it fed me more."

My love for Vogue has nothing to do with what Carrie Bradshaw said. I've always loved Vogue. I probably always will. And underneath this wish for a Vogue subscription lies a dream. :-)

What are the things that are in your wishlist? Remember, no one's too old to make one. So, while we still have time, get on with it! :-) You can even do yours on Polyvore just like I did. It would be more fun and they have a wide variety of photos of items to choose from. So head over there to now! :-)

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